


The aim of our learning assessments is to ensure an effective program for your child’s improvement, not to simply produce a report for the parent.

Many parents of children with leaning disabilities have numerous reports but little progress for their child. We aim to provide a thorough diagnosis and set of recommendations that help your child progress.


Learning is the result of a combination of complex processes. We receive information through a number of channels – mostly our eyes and our ears and this information is combined and managed to produce the learning that we take for granted. Children with normal intelligence can experience problems in any one of the numerous processes involved in learning. Such children are often thought to be lazy or stubborn, or just not concentrating, when in fact they are experiencing considerable difficulty learning.

For example, a child may have normal hearing on a hearing test but still have difficulty making sense of sound, or retaining what is heard long enough to follow instructions. This child may appear to be not listening but in fact cannot easily listen. Such children may have trouble socialising because he or she cannot easily follow what is said, particularly in noisy environments.

Learning problems affect children in many ways, including socially.  And because children have no idea what is normal, they cannot tell you what is wrong.


Finding out what is wrong is a lengthy process. The psychologist will talk to both parents to get a detailed history of the problems, and may ask you to seek an auditory or visual assessment from recommended providers.

The psychologist also talks to your child and administers a battery of tests. The testing normally starts with a wide range screening test such as the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children – IV (WISC-IV). This is followed up by as many separate, specialist tests as are necessary to gauge exactly where your child’s problems lie and what might be the best avenue to assist your child to improve.

Many services offer testing with the WISC-IV. This test provides basic information on the child’s strengths and weaknesses. However, we strive to pinpoint the problem in more detail to improve your child’s chances in remedial recovery.

A comprehensive reoprt is prepared which is explained to parents during a feedback session. If appropriate, you will be put in touch with remedial teachers in order to develop a program for your child. Your child’s progress is assesses every four months or so until their abilities are maximised.


Our assessments are particularly thorough. Most assessments, including the report, will cost between $1000 and $1400. This includes a detailed description of the nature of your child’s problems with specific areas pinpointed for remediation. Parents can obtain the services of their own remedial teacher and have their child’s ongoing progress checked by the psychologist regularly. They can also choose to place the child with Cassandra de Vaus who offers her teaching services through the clinic.

As with all costs in psychology, you will need to weigh up the costs of treatment, with the likely costs over the years of leaving the problem untreated.

For more information please see the following.